I had new marble floor put in recently. The contractor applied the sealant but there are so many stains that have popped up all over my floors! The contractor’s response is to give it time. But I think he applied the sealant too soon without washing and mopping the floors post grouting !!
How do I get rid of these stains now?
Hey sue thanks a lot for your comment. I am sorry to hear about your problem.
I think you could have a couple of problems.
1. A common problem when applying marble sealers is that after being applied the marble sealer will soak into the pours of stone, but sometimes to much of the sealer is applied and the excess (the marble sealer that is not absorbed) will stay on the surface and dry and create a hazy look. So my first question is: What do the stains look like? Are they a hazy dull clear looking stain? Or are they more of a dark brown-black stain? If it is a hazy looking stain there is most likely to much marble sealer applied and it will unfortunately need to be removed. Marble sealer can be removed using a toxic noxious solvent but we do not recommend this as a DIY unfortunately given that it is difficult and risky due to the solvents toxic nature. I would suggest contacting your contractor and seeing if you can remove and reapply the sealer.
If he does reapply the sealer ensure that after 10-15 minutes they wipe up the excess marble sealer on the surface. This way the problem will not reoccur.
2. Another possible problem is what you eluded to in your comment above that you could have had stains prior to the marble sealer application. Once the sealer is applied you will not be able to remove these stains with a standard cleaner so I would suggest trying a marble poultice. The poultice will actually penetrate the pours in your marble and draw out the stains. This may solve your problem. Check out this article here:https://www.themarblecleaner.comhomemade-marble-poultice/
I hope this helps. I am sorry I cannot give your a definitive answer. If you would like, send me an email here: franklin@themarblecleaner.com
If you send me and email with pictures I may be able to provide your with more information. Also, if the above does not help or you do not want to do it yourself I would be happy to recommend a third party vendor that I know will fix your problems.
Sue so sorry you have had a bad experience with your marble. I hope the above helps and would be happy to help in any other way!